Botanical Animals
Southern Thread-Leaved Sundew (Drosera Filiformis var. Tracyi) 3.5" Potted Plant
Southern Thread-Leaved Sundew (Drosera Filiformis var. Tracyi) 3.5" Potted Plant
Drosera filiformis are known for their long dewy tentacles. Their dew is what helps attract, trap, and digest their prey. This showy sundew can grow to a rather large size and can grow well with full sun, partial sun, or on a bright full sun windowsill. It's very heat tolerant since it comes from areas that experience over 90 degrees F regularly.
Water: Keep in 1-2 inches of distilled water, rainwater, or reverse osmosis water.
Light: Partial sun to full sun (might be best to harden off before putting into full sun conditions if you are putting them in very intense sun, but not always a requirement).
Temperature: 25 - 85 degrees F - It can handle some extreme temperatures but only for a very short period. Low temperatures of 50 degrees F or below can put it into dormancy.
Dormancy: Needs winter dormancy and leaves will die off during this time. It can be left outside in full sun sitting in water for winter dormancy. If your area experiences snowing, it's best to overwinter the plants inside on a sunny windowsill located in an unheated room, still sitting the plant in water.
* If the plant is happy in a few weeks to a month after shipping it will regain the dew. If the plant looses the dew at any point, it could mean that something is not quite ideal. If this happens make sure the plant is getting enough water and try increasing the amount of light.