Botanical Animals
Nepenthes St. Gaya 3.5" Potted Plant
Nepenthes St. Gaya 3.5" Potted Plant
Nepenthes x St. Gaya, is a compact, easy-to-grow hybrid of N. khsiana x (ventricosa x maxima). It is a vigorous growing carnivorous tropical pitcher plant with large upright pitchers with cherry red speckles on yellow-green backgrounds. A spectacular windowsill plant and this is one variety that we'd recommend getting if it is your very first nepenthes.
Water: Distilled water, rainwater, or reverse osmosis water. Let it dry a bit between waterings (like a day) but never bone dry for extended periods, high humidity preferred
Light: Prefers bright indirect light. Avoid extended periods of direct intense light but is okay with a few hours of direct light from indoors if on a windowsill.
Temperature: 50 - 85 degrees F
Dormancy: No dormancy.